About Us

At Devant, we are passionate about providing talented international students and graduates with the guidance and support they need to build a great career in Canada. Our team of experts is here to make sure Canada sees all the incredible value that international students have to offer and to support these young professionals on their path to stay, work, and succeed in this country. Devant On Campus – for Post-Secondary Institutions: Working hand-in-hand with universities, colleges, and polytechnics, Devant offers exclusive programs and services designed to help international students maximize their academic experience, gain a strong understanding of the Canadian labour market, begin planning their career launch early in their studies, and chart a clear pathway to permanent residency. Devant’s on campus workshops offer targeted insights, training and support that simultaneously complements and encourages the use of on-campus programs and services, thereby easing entry into the Canadian workforce, and maximizing post-graduation career success. Devant for International Students and Graduates: At Devant, we recognize the unique pressures and challenges that international students face in the process of adapting to living, studying and working in a new country. Leveraging our vast professional networks and years of experience in working with highly skilled and educated newcomers in the areas of cultural fluency and career development for professional employment, the Devant team supports and guides international students through this critical time in their life, setting them up for academic, personal, and professional success. Learn more about our service offerings for international students and graduates at www.devant.ca. Contact us: If you work for a post-secondary institution, contact Denis Gravelle at denis.gravelle@devant.ca or (647) 678-6737.